
Hubei ZhongTu ChangJiang Culture Media Co., LTD.

  湖北中图长江文化传媒有限公司于 2013 年 5 月 13 日注册成立,是在原湖北省新闻出版广电局直接推动下,由中国图书进出口(集团)有限公司、湖北省创新谷投资有限公司等在汉共同组建,属央企在汉机构。湖北中图自成立以来,以大型展会起步,逐步向国际文化交流、原版图书销售、文创产品国际贸易等领域不断探索发展机遇,并自主经营湖北省首家进口原版图书专营书店。

  公司自 2013 年起,为历届中国(武汉)期刊交易博览会主运营商、“湖北工匠”技能综合系列活动总执行单位。自 2016 年起,先后在亚、欧、非 12 个国家连续成功执行 6 届“湖北传媒周”大型海外展示和交流活动,该系列活动连续入选中宣部和国家广电总局“走出去”重点项目工程。

  公司成功在肯尼亚、埃及、尼泊尔、印度、日本、韩国 6 个国家开启了“荆楚书架”大型图书项目,并承担了湖北省有史以来规模最大的文献整理与研究出版工程《荆楚文库》在 16 个国家和地区,52 个境外知名图书馆定向馆藏配送服务。公司已与法国、英国、俄罗斯、比利时、日本、柬埔寨等国海外媒体单位成功签署国际合作协议,落地展播多部我国精品影视视听节目。 公司自 2018 年成为武汉大学在汉首家“马来西亚留学生武汉社会实践工作站”,2023 年发展成为“武汉大学来华留学生社会实践基地”。

  2017 年,公司被评为“湖北省新闻出版广电产业重点企业”。 2019、2020 连续被评为中国图书进出口(集团)有限公司“先进党支部”, 2021 年被评为中国出版集团“先进党支部” (省部级)。

  Incorporated on May 13, 2013, Hubei Zhongtu Changjiang Culture Media Co., Ltd. was jointly established by China National Publications Import and Export (Group) Co., Ltd. (CNPIEC) and Hubei Innovation Valley Investment Co. Ltd. with the support of the former Press, Publication, Radio and Television Adminstaration of Hubei Province. It is an institution of central enterprise in Wuhan. Since its establishment, Hubei Zhongtu has been gradually expanding its business from large-scale event planning and service to international cultural exchange service, sales of imported original foreign books and international trade of cultural products. It also operates the first bookstore specializing in importing original foreign books.

  Since 2013, Hubei Zhongtu has been the main operator of China (Wuhan) Periodicals Fairs and chief executive of “Hubei Craftsman” Skill Competitions. It has successfully organized 6 sessions of “Hubei Media Week” in 12 countries in Asia, Europe and Africa since 2016. “Hubei Media Week” has been successively selected as one of the key “going global” projects by the Publicity Department of China Central Committee and National Radio and Television Administration.

  Hubei Zhongtu has successfully launched “Jingchu Bookshelves”, a large-scale book project, in such six countries as Kenya, Egypt,Nepal, India, Japan and South Korea, and distributes Jingchu Library, the largest project of publishing of documents organization and research results in the history of Hubei Province, to 52 well-known libraries in 16 countries and regions. The Company has successfully signed international cooperation agreements with overseas media units in France, UK, Russia, Belgium, Japan, Cambodia, etc., and broadcast a number of highquality audiovisual programs of China. In 2018, the Company became the first "Wuhan Social Practice Workstation for Malaysian Students" of Wuhan University in Wuhan. In 2023, it has grown into "Social Practice Workstation for International Students of Wuhan University".

  In 2017, the Company was honored as the “Key Enterprise in the Industry of Press, Publication, Radio and Television of Hubei Province”. The Party branch of the Company was awarded as “Advanced Party Branch” of China National Publications Import and Export (Group) Co., Ltd. (CNPIEC) in 2019 and 2020, and “Advanced Party Branch” (provincial and ministerial level) of the China Publishing Group in 2021.

单位地址:中国湖北省武汉市武昌区东湖路 181 号楚天 181 文化创意产业园 2 号楼 3 楼 

邮 编:430077

电 话:+86 27 68892483

负 责 人:方小惠 总经理

联 系 人:刘芮含 综合办公室(对外交流部)主任

电 话:+86 13887865993

邮 箱:liuruihan@cnpiechb.com

Add:3F, Building 2, Chutian 181 Creativity Centers, No.181, Donghu Rd., Wuchang Dist., Wuhan, Hubei, China 

Postal Code: 430077

Tel:+86 27 68892483

PIC: Fang Xiaohui, General Manager

Contact: Liu Ruihan, Admin & Intl Affairs Director

Tel: +86 13887865993

Mail: liuruihan@cnpiechb.com