
A Bite of Wuhan -Nostalgia on Taste

  Operatedby:Wuhan Broadcasting and Television Station (Group)
  每逢佳节倍思亲,春节更是如此。2018年春节临近之际,武汉广播电视台科技生活频道《舌尖上的武汉》栏目策划并推出了春节特别节目《味蕾上的乡情》。春节、回家,这大概是在外打拼的“异乡人”一年最期盼的事。然而,有这样 7个“异乡人”,他们在武汉求学、打拼、工作,因为种种原因,不能回家过年。可是,对家乡的思念,却是随着春节的临近与日俱增。味蕾,总会让人找到家的感觉。《舌尖上的武汉》之《味蕾上的乡情》,就将视角放在了这些无法回家过年的人的身上。通过这 7个人的故事,串联出各自家乡的美食以及不同的美食文化。用“味蕾”,用家乡的美食,用自己的故事,烩出了一道又一道情感的盛宴。也用最平凡的人、最真切的故事、最朴实的话语、最熟悉的味道,呈现出最感人的画面和最一致的共鸣。每一个故事,饱含了民生情怀,处处体现着温情和温馨,充分体现“幸福武汉武汉幸福”的主题。
  As a Chinese saying goes, 'festive days always kindle one's emotions for their beloved one's' , especially during the Spring Festival. The 2018 Spring Festival is around the corner, the program of the renown "A Bite of Wuhan" at the Technology and Life Channel of Wuhan Broadcasting and Television Station has planned and launched a brand new program 'Taste Bud Nostalgia' . Returning home for Spring Festival celebration may be the greatest joy of the year for those who work hard far away from their hometowns. However, seven of them who plunged into studying, business and work in Wuhan, due to various reasons, have been able to get home for Spring Festival. However, homesick gradually arouse as the Spring Festival is approaching, familiar food and taste can always console the soul of a homesick-man. The "Taste Bud Nostalgia" as the sub-series of "A Bite of Wuhan" , focuses on those who are away from home in the Spring Festival. Through seven stories, the delicacies and food culture of different background are introduced in an ingenious order. Through taste buds, together with the hometown delicacies, the stories behind an ordinary person would evoke one's deep feelings. The most ordinary people would tell the most authentic stories through simplest words and familiar tastes, portraying touching scenes and provoking resonance in our hearts. Every story gives full expression to people's livelihood, picturing warmth in life, achieving the vision of 'Bliss in Wuhan and Blissful Wuhan.'
  联系电话:+86 27 88300585
  地址:湖北省武汉市江岸区建设大道 677号
  Contact:Huang Chunli
  Tel:+86 27 88300585Add:No. 677 Jianshe Avenue, Jiang'an District, Wuhan, Hubei, China