
XiangYang Citizens in One Belt One Road

  Operatedby:XiangYang Radio and Television
  2013年的秋天,习近平总书记提出了共建丝绸之路经济带和 21世纪海上丝绸之路的“一带一路倡议”。随着倡议的落实和推进,一带一路已经成为了全球性热点。今年是“一带一路”倡议提出的第五个年头,襄阳广电人第一次走出国门,围绕着襄阳人在一带一路上的故事,前往亚非欧八个国家,用手中的摄像机记录下襄阳声音、襄阳影象。一年时间,摄制组从世界上最贫穷的国家莫桑比克,到世界上最危险的国家之一巴基斯坦,从中东小巴黎贝鲁特,到东方小巴黎胡志明,再到真正的法国巴黎。从襄阳民营企业佼佼者回天、骆驼,再到国营企业中的领航者襄阳轴承、中化六建,还有在异国为着传播中国文化而不懈努力的襄阳老乡-如中阿文化交流学会会长赵颖、国际顶级导演吕克贝松的合作人杨慧龙等,在八个不同的国家,拍摄了八集风格迥异的纪录片,每一集 15分钟的时长,每一分钟都实地记录下了襄阳人、襄阳企业在一带一路上的经济文化相通相融上所做出的努力。透过我们摄像机的镜头,所有人都可以看到,襄阳人的担当,襄阳人的付出,正在为一带一路奉献着属于自己的那一份力量。
  The autumn in 2013 was deemed to be extraordinary when Xi JinPing, the general secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC presented the 'One Belt One Road Proposal' to establish the Silk Road Economic Zone and the Maritime Silk Road. As the project was carried forward and being executed, 'One Belt One Road ' has become a worldwide hot topic. Five years after the proposal of the 'One Belt One Road' Project, for the first time XiangYang Radio and Television has walked out of the door to visit 8 countries located in the Asian, African and European Continent to tell the stories of XiangYang citizens involving in the project, recording their precious voice and figures contributed to the project. In a year' s time, the crew visited Mozambique, the poorest country in the world and Pakistan, the most dangerous country of all. They laid their footsteps in Beirut, the 'Middle-East Paris', Ho Chi Minh, the 'Eastern Paris' and the genuine Paris located in Europe. Ranging from those private enterprise owners, HuiTian and LuoTuo, state-owned enterprises such as XiangYang Bearing, China Chemistry to ordinary people determined to spread Chinese Culture in the zone such as the President Arabic-Chinese Cultural Exchange Society, ZhaoYing and the co-worker of the well-known director Luc Besson, Yang HuiLong, XiangYang citizens had proven their contributions in the 'One Belt One Road Project' . Yang HuiLong in particular, had filmed 8 distinct fifteen-minutes documentaries in 8 different countries to portray the work done by the XiangYang citizens dedicated to the project. Through the film, the spirit and dedication of XiangYang citizens in the 'One Belt One Road ' Project is now revealed to the world.
  地址:湖北省襄阳市襄城区檀溪路 200号襄阳广播电视台
  Contact:He Wei
       Add:No.200, XiangYang Radio and Television, TanXi Road, XiangYang , Hubei, China