
China in the Characters

  Publisher:Huazhong University of Science&Technology Press Co.Ltd.
  Author: Wang Ziwei; Wang Mumin
  Publication Date:2017.6
  汉字作为中华民族延续几千年的文字,它的产生和演变体现了先民的智慧和思维方式,是中国文化最重要的象征元素,也是中国人最显著的一张名片。在悠久的历史传承中,汉字所承载的文化意 义不断丰富、深化,借助汉字,我们可以窥见中华大地上的时空变 迁,体会中华文明生生不息的内在魅力。本书以汉字为纲,织中国文化之网。书中选取最具中国文化代 表意义的 80 个汉字,涵盖天地自然、操行修养、社会民生、宗教文化、物质文明五大主题,力求向读者展现一幅中国历史文化的生动图景。
  Having been passed down for thousands of years, Chinese characters, the production and evolution of which reflect the wisdom and thinking mode of our ancestors, is the most important symbolic element in Chinese culture and the most remarkable label of Chinese. In inheriting of the long history, the cultural significance carried by it is increasingly rich and deep. Through it, we can gain an understanding of the temporal and spatial vicissitudes taking place in China and feel the inner attractions of Chinese civilization, which has thrived for thousands of years. The book weaves the net of Chinese culture, with Chinese characters as the headrope. It selects 80 characters that best reflect Chinese culture. It talks about nature, morality, social people's livelihood, religious culture and material civilization, in order to unfold a vivid picture of Chinese history and culture in front of the readers' eyes.
  联系人:杨玉斌 邮 箱:vivianyang123@163.com
  电 话:027-81339688
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  Contact:Yang Yubin
  Add: No. 6 Huagongyuan Rd, Huagong Tech Park, Donghu High-tech Development Zone, Wuhan City, 430223, P.R. China