
Hubei Radio and Television Station (Hubei Media Group)



  Hubei Radio and Television Station (Hubei Media Group) boasts 9 TV channels, 9 broadcasting frequencies, 13 affiliated institutions and 25 wholly-owned, joint-stock and holding companies (including two listed companies), the Group is a comprehensive modern media organization integrating radio, television, movies, TV dramas, new media, cable networks and newspapers. Rated as the "Top 30 Chinese Cultural Enterprise" for two consecutive years, the Group owns a total of 15,600 employees, and its total assets amount to CNY 27 billion.

  Its flagship channel, Hubei Satellite TV, is enjoyed by 850 million people in 34 provincial administrative regions in China. It has produced first-class news, documentaries, variety shows and TV series in China. Hubei News, Yangtze River News, and other news programs focus on the events in Hubei and have a global outlook;the documentaries A record of 80 days in Jinyintan Hospital, and Witness and Experience have won international accolades; the TV series A Little Reunion and Eastern Battlefield are well-known throughout the country.; the variety shows Chinese Traditional Opera Stage and Informal Talks are dominating the market. Hubei Radio and TV Station (Hubei Media Group) ranks among the best in the country in terms of comprehensive strength in television, radio and new media. The platform integrating Changjiangyun and Media, which focuses on "news + government + service + business", is in the national leading position.


  Add:No.1 Zhongbei Road,Wuchang District,Wuhan, Hubei


  Postal Code:430064



  负责人:曹曦晴 总编室主任

  PIC:Cao Xiqing, Director of Chief editor's office

  联系人:刘惠婷 总编室高级主管

  Contact:Liu Huiting,Senior supervisor of Chief editor's office