
Changjiang Literature & Art Publishing House

  长江文艺出版社成立于 1955 年,建社以来秉持“精英文化、大众趣味、百姓情怀”的出版理念,已出版图书上万种,与境外出版机构达成版权贸易 2000 余种,发行网络遍布全国。 2009 年以来,长江文艺出版社先后被新闻出版总署评为“全国百佳出版社” “全国先进集体”;2013 年获评“中国出版政府奖”先进出版单位 ; 2016 年获得国内版权领域最高荣誉——“全国版权示范单位”称号 ;并先后七次获得中宣部“五个一工程”奖,两次获得茅盾文学奖,七次获得鲁迅文学奖。

  长江文艺出版社与文坛巨擘精诚合作,扶掖后学新秀。活跃于中国文坛的知名作家、诗人、学者,如王蒙、苏童、余华、陈忠实、余秋雨、池莉、刘震云、王小波、顾城、海子、舒婷、周国平、毕淑敏等人的第一部作品或力作均由我社出版 ;并推出了一大批具有全国影响力的畅销书,如朱永新、王立群、白岩松、于丹、席慕蓉、林清玄等名家的作品。

  在国家大力提倡推动图书“引进来,走出去”的发展战略下,长江文艺出版社积极整合出版资源,坚持版权“引进+输出”双向发力的战略眼光,实现《致教师》 《青衣》 《到黑夜想你没办法》等多种图书输出至韩国、泰国、欧美等国家,并得到了丝路书香出版工程、经典中国国际出版工程的资助。

  Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House Co., Ltd. was established in 1955. Holding the belief as " Elite culture, popular taste, common people's feelings ", it has published more than 10,000 kinds of books, and have reached 2,000 kinds of copyright trade with overseas publishing institutions. Its distribution network has spread all over the country. It was selected as "National 100 Best Publishing House" by Press and Publication Administration in 2009, “Chinese Government Award for Publications”in 2013, and "National Copyright Demonstration Unit", the highest honor in the domestic copyright field, in 2016. It has won the "Five-one Project" award seven times, the Mao Dun Literature Award twice, the Lu Xun Literature Award seven times.

  The Publishing House sincerely cooperates with literary giants and support young talents. Chinese first-class and well-known writers, poets and scholar, such as Wang Meng, Su Tong, Yu Hua, Chen Zhongshi, Yu Qiuyu, Chi Li, Liu Zhenyun, Wang Xiaobo, Gu Cheng, Haizi, Shu Ting, Zhou Guoping, Bi Shumin and so on all chose us to publish their masterpieces. At the same time, we have launched a large number of nationally influential best-selling books, such as famous works of Zhu Yongxin, Wang Liqun, Bai Yansong, Yu Dan, Xi Murong, Lin Qingxuan and others.

  Under the country’s vigorous promotion of the development strategy of “bringing in and going out” of books, Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House actively integrates publishing resources and insists on “import plus export” in terms of copyright. To Teachers, Tsing Yi, I Miss You in the Darkness and other books were exported to South Korea, Thailand, Europe and the United States and other countries, and obtained funding from the Silk Road Books Publishing Project and Classic China International Publishing Project .

单位地址:中国湖北省武汉市洪山区雄楚大道 268 号湖北出版文化城 B 座 8-9 楼

邮 编:430070

电 话:+86 27 87679310

负 责 人:尹志勇 社 长

联 系 人:杨 岚 主 任

电 话:+86 18627975612 

邮 箱:191345802@qq.com

Add: 8-19 F, Block B, Hubei Publishing Culture Center, No. 268, Xiongchu Ave., Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei, China

Postal Code: 430070

Tel: +86 27 87679310

PIC: Yin Zhiyong, President

Contact: Yang Lan, Director

Tel: +86 18627975612

Mail: 191345802@qq.com