经过 40 余年的潜心生聚,集团拥有 200 余名专业编辑,出版门类十余个,涵盖儿童文学、少儿科普、少儿绘本等童书领域 ;签约作家 700 余名,其中包括“国际安徒生奖”得主曹文轩、"中国童书女王"杨红樱、"中国动物小说大王"沈石溪等国内一线作家 ;全球合作伙伴包括迪士尼、芝麻街、漫威等国际顶级图书品牌。目前,集团年出书 3000 余种,所出童书正在被英国、南非、俄罗斯等世界 30 多个国家的孩子翻阅。秉持着“延长价值链、缩短供应链”的全产业链布局转型发展战略思路,长江少年儿童出版集团将不断推动自身从单一内容提供商向全程服务商转型,从传统的纸质媒体向新兴的全媒体转型,从千亿级的出版市场向万亿级的儿童教育市场转型。
Having Changjiang Children's Press, Wuhan Elephant Children’s Education Media Co., Ltd. and Dolphin Media Co., Ltd. as the key members, Changjiang Children's Press (Group )Co., Ltd. also incorporates enterprises such as Beijing Tree of Knowledge Cultural Communication and Shanghai Anbo Cultural Communication. Being the children's product and educational service provider of China, the business of the Group has covered multiple industries such as children’s publishing, pre-education product and service, digital publication, media animation creation and children's cultural creation. It strives to become an international, comprehensive and full-media children’s cultural education media group and to create a leading brand of Chinese Children publication industry.
After more than 40 years of devotion, the Group has over 200 professional editors and published more than 10 categories such as children's literature, children's science and children's art. It has also signed more than 700 writers including first-class writers such as "Hans Christian Andersen Award" winner Cao Wenxuan, "Queen of Chinese Children's Books" Yang Hongying, and "King of Chinese Animal Novel" Shen Shixi. Its partners includes world-class publishers such as Disney, Sesame Street and Marvel. Currently, the Group publishes more than 3,000 types of books every year, and the books are widely read by children from more than 30 countries such as England, South Africa and Russia.Implementing the full-chain transitional development strategy featuring "prolonging value chain and shortening supply chain", Changjiang Children's Press (Group) Co., Ltd. has been promoting the transition from single-content provider to full-chain service provider, from traditional paper media to new full media, and from hundred-billion-scale publication market to thousand-billionscale children education market.
单位地址:中国湖北省武汉市洪山区雄楚大街 268 号湖北出版文化城
邮 编:430070
电 话:+86 27 87679105
负 责 人:姚 磊 总编辑
联 系 人:龚华静 版权经理
电 话:+86 13986076100
邮 箱:tanyaghj@qq.com
Add: Hubei Publishing Culture Center, No. 268, Xiongchu Ave., Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Postal Code: 430070
Tel: +86 27 87679105
PIC: Yao Lei, Editor-in-chief
Contact: Gong Huajing, Rights Manager
Tel: +86 13986076100
Mail: tanyaghj@qq.com