华中科技大学出版社隶属华中科技大学,是教育部直属的全国重点大学出版社,员工近 400 人,出版新书13000 余种,电子、网络、音像出版物 7000 余种,同时拥有图书、音像、电子出版物、网络出版物出版权。华中出版致力于高水平学术出版,提供优质学术著作出版服务,推动学术研究和学术交流。
华中出版重视国际合作和版权贸易,积极探索国际合作新模式,开展版权引进与输出、合作出版、图书出口等国际业务,连续 11 年在德国法兰克福书展设置独立展位,多次赴美国、埃及、南非、肯尼亚等地参加国际书展,注重开拓国际业务版图。与来自亚洲、欧洲、北美洲、非洲等 20 余个国家和地区的 70 余家出版机构保持长期稳定的业务合作关系,近 10 年来,累计输出图书版权 200 余种,图书版权输出语种涉及 18 种。多次荣获“国家文化出口重点企业”称号,以及“国家级版权示范单位”“中国图书海外馆藏影响力 100 强”等荣誉称号。以《乙型肝炎重症化基础与临床》英文版为代表的多个项目入选“中国图书对外推广计划”,以《雷军传》韩文版为代表的多个项目入选“图书版权输出奖励计划”,同时多次荣获“输出版引进版优秀图书奖”。
Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press (HUSTP), affiliated with Huazhong University of Science and Technology, is a key university press directly under the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. With nearly 400 employees, we publish over 13,000 new books and more than 7,000 electronic, online, and audio-visual publications. We are one of the few publishing units in China that possess publishing rights for books, audio-visual materials, electronic publications, and online publications simultaneously. Our mission is to strive for high-quality academic publishing, providing excellent services for publishing scholarly works and promoting academic research and exchange.
HUSTP is attaching great importance to the internationalization strategy, and actively seeking an international cooperation model to facilitate cultural exchanges between China and the world.?HUSTP set up independent stand in Frankfurt Book Fair for 11 successive years. In addition, HUSTP has participated in international book exhibitions in the United States, Egypt, South Africa, Kenya, etc. HUSTP established and kept stable productive cooperation relationships with more than 70 overseas companies from more than 20 countries and regions in Asia, Europe, North America and Africa, etc. In the past 10 years, HUSTP exported more than 200 book copyrights, involving 18 languages.HUSTP has won many honorary titles and awards, such as “China’s National Culture Exporting Key Enterpries, as well as“Certificate for World-renowned Book from China”,“Top 100 Influential Overseas Collections of Chinese Books”, etc. Many projects represented by the English version of Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Hepatitis B have been selected into the “China Book International”, and many projects represented by the Korean version of Lei Jun Biography have been selected into the“Book Copyright Export Award Plan”and “Outstanding Book Award for Export and Import Copyright”.
邮 编:430223
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负 责 人:阮海洪 社长、总经理
联 系 人:杨玉斌 国际合作部经理
电 话:+86 13476018455
Add: No.6, Huagongyuan Road, HuaGong Tech Park, East Lack High-tech Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Postal Code: 430223
Tel: +86 27 81338688
PIC: Ruan Haihong, President, General Manager
Contact: Vivian Yang, Manager of International Cooperation Department
Tel: +86 13476018455
Mail: vivianyang123@163.com