
Wuhan University Press

  武汉大学出版社成立于 1981 年 12 月,是教育部主管的综合性重点大学出版社。武汉大学出版社享有图书、地图、音像制品、电子出版物和网络出版等多项出版权,出版物涵盖人文社会科学、自然科学、技术科学等众多学科。建社 40 多年来,坚持“服务高等教育,传播先进文化”出版理念,立足优势特色学科,依托权威专家学者,开发优质出版资源,逐渐形成“大学教材系列化,学术著作精品化,一般图书大众化”出版格局,出版各类图书 24000 多种,音像制品、电子出版物近 3000 种,赢得社会各界广泛赞誉。

  列选国家重点图书出版规划、国家级规划教材、国家出版基金资助项目等重要项目品种数,位居全国大学出版社前列 ;先后有近 2000 种次优秀出版物获得省部级以上奖励,其中 18 次荣获全国“三大图书奖”。在法学、经济学、管理学、文学、历史、哲学、外语、新闻学、信息管理科学、信息安全和计算机技术以及测绘科学等学科的教材出版形成了优势和特色。先后被教育部、中宣部和新闻出版总署授予“先进高校出版社”和“全国优秀出版社”称号。

  Founded in December 1981, Wuhan University Press is one of the key comprehensive university presses under the administration of the Ministry of Education. Wuhan University Press enjoys a number of publishing rights, including books, maps, audio-visual products, electronic publications and online publishing. Its publications cover humanities and social sciences, natural sciences, technical sciences and many other disciplines. Over the past 40 years since its establishment, the press has adhered to the publishing philosophy of "serving higher education and disseminating advanced culture", based on advantageous and characteristic disciplines, relying on authoritative experts and scholars to develop high-quality publishing resources, and gradually formed a publishing pattern of "serialization of university textbooks, refinement of academic works, and popularization of general books". It has published over 24000 books, nearly 3000 types of audio-visual products and electronic publications, achieving wide-spread academic influence.

  Nearly 2000 outstanding publications have been awarded book prizes at or above the provincial or ministerial level, of which 18 have won the National Book Awards. Publication of textbooks in the field of law, economics, management, literature, history, philosophy, foreign languages, journalism, information management science, information security and computer technology, surveying and mapping science has formed its advantages and characteristics.Wuhan University Press has been awarded the titles of "Advanced University Press" and "National Excellent Press" by the Ministry of Education, the Publiciity Department of the CPC Central Committee and the General Administration of Press and Publication.

单位地址:中国湖北省武汉市洪山区卓刀泉路 108 号凯乐桂园 B 座 14-17 层

邮 编:430079

电 话:+86 27 87215595

负 责 人:罗春明 社 长

联 系 人:游径海 总编室主任

电 话:+86 13971292111


Add: 14-17F, Kaileguiyuan Building, No. 108, Zhuodaoquan Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei, China

Postal Code: 430079

Tel: +86 27 87215595

PIC: Luo Chunming, President

Contact: You Jinghai, Director of Editorial Office

Tel: +86 13971292111

Mail: 743345814@qq.com