
The Hubei Yuediao Xianren Flower Drum Opera Art Protection and Inheritance Centre in Laohekou City

  老河口市湖北越调仙人花鼓戏艺术保护传承中心前身是老河口市豫剧团,其始建于1956年。上个世纪六、七十年代,老河口豫剧团以“小小板车送戏下乡”而享誉荆楚,全团拉着板车下乡送戏,“上山上到尖儿,下乡下到边儿”,被文化部授予“板车剧团”称号,为全国“三面红旗”剧团之一,并被拍成新闻纪录片, “板车剧团”精神在全国、全省推广。



  The Hubei Yuediao Xianren Flower Drum Opera Art Protection and Inheritance Centre in Laohekou City was formerly the Henan Opera Troupe of the city, which was founded in 1956. In the sixties and seventies of the last century, Laohekou Henan Opera Troupe was famous in Hubei for “giving plays to the countryside with small scooters". The whole troupe took scooters to the countryside to play operas, which was described as "going up to the top of the mountain and as far as to the edge of the village". It was awarded the title of "scooter troupe" by the Ministry of Culture, one of the "three red-flag" troupes in the country, whose story was then made into a news documentary. The spirit of "scooter troupe" has been advertised throughout the province and the country.

  In 1985, the Troupe created a new historical drama Emperor Wen Kills His Uncle and won the second prize of the province's new opera performance. The Bench Dance created by it in 1988 won the first prize of the State Ministry of Culture, and its Forest Farmer won the second prize in the province. In 2014, the Henan Opera drama “Visiting the Grandchildren" won the Outstanding Drama Award and the First Prize for Performance in the Second Hubei Local Opera Art Festival. In November 2017, Zeng Zhen’s Story, a Hubei Yuediao (the melody of an aria), which was created and rehearsed, was presented in the art performance of the 3rd Hubei Local Opera Art Festival and won favourable comments from provincial experts. In August 2018, the large-scale revolutionary modern drama Last Song of the Yellow River represented Xiangyang City in the "Beijing Exhibition Month of Excellent Chinese Henan Opera" and the exhibition activities of the Third Hubei Art Festival, which was highly affirmed and well received by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Culture, relevant officials of Hubei Province and the general audience, and was paid close attention by official state media such as People's Daily, China Culture Daily and Xinhua net.

  In recent years, the Henan Opera Troupe of Laohekou City has continuously increased its efforts to create and compose excellent dramas, such as Visiting the Grandchildren, Zeng Zhen’s Story, Wang Yanzhang, The Ferryman, Last Song of the Yellow River and One Vote for Life and Death, which have achieved a series of good responses. The Troupe will continue to carry forward the spirit of "Scooter Troupe" in the new era and exert greater efforts to enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the people and consolidating the ideological and cultural front of advocacy by grassroots.


  Add:71 Zhongshan Road, Laohekou City, Hubei,China


  Postal Code:441800



  负责人:王新民 主任

  PIC:Wang Xinmin,Director

  联系人:袁晓林 书记

  Contact:Yuan Xiaolin,Secretary



