
Impression of Yichang


  Operated by:Yichang Three Gorges Radio and Television Station


  本片以“生态长江 壮美三峡 诗画宜昌”为创作主题,着力刻画了一个“人人向往的地方”,串联宜昌因水而生、因水而兴的独特资源禀赋,充分展示了宜昌丰富的旅游资源和产业发展优势,凸显宜昌“一半山水一半城”的独特魅力。



  The featured TV programme Yichang Impression is a themed programme on the ecological Yangtze River, magnificent Three Gorges and beautiful Yichang, which focuses on depicting a "place that everyone yearns for". Yichang is known as a city born and prospered by water with unique natural resources. The programme fully demonstrates Yichang's rich tourism resources and industrial development advantages and highlights Yichang's unique charm as a city surrounded by beautiful landscape.

  The film tells the story of Yichang in five minutes in terms of camera language, through which the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, the National Civilized City, the City of Piano in China, the City of Poetry in China, the hometown of Leizu and other elements are presented successively, showcasing the charm and vitality of Yichang in all aspects.

  At the "2018 Asian Tourism Film and Television Art Week", this film stood out from more than 1,200 works selected among 28 countries and regions such as the United States, Australia and South Korea, and was awarded the title of "Good Image Film in the Tourism Category".


  Contact:Xiao Meijiong

  电话:+86 17771717970

  Tel:+86 17771717970




  Add:Radio and Television Center, No.88 Xiling 2nd Road, Yichang, Hubei