
The Foreigner Learning Peking Opera


  Operated by:Hubei Changjiang Cloud New Media Group

  《“洋”贵妃》是文脉颂中华之《中国守艺Follow Me》系列短片之一,是由中央网信办和文化旅游部出品、湖北广电长江云联合湖北卫视《非正式会谈 》制作。本片用“洋弟子”拜师学京剧的视角,讲述中国京剧的历史渊源、文化特色及魅力。该片邀请《非正式会谈 》明星嘉宾“功必扬”来中国拜师学习京剧,以真人秀的表现形式纪实拍摄整个学习过程,展现中西方文化碰撞,差异化体现京剧的特色魅力,向各国年轻人弘扬中国非物质文化(京剧)的精髓。本片在制作过程中,融合短视频和直播传播优势,先后推出了《不一样的非遗! 跟着“洋”贵妃体验国粹京剧!》《文脉颂中华项目拍摄幕后直播》等4场全媒体直播,全网累计观看人数突破1589.4万!

  Foreign Imperial Concubine is one of the series of short films of Follow Me for Praising of Traditional Chinese Culture, which is presented by the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China, and produced jointly by HBTV of Hubei Radio and Television Information Network Co., Ltd. and Hubei Satellite TV's Informal Talks. This film tells the historical origin, cultural characteristics and charm of Chinese Peking Opera from the perspective of “foreign disciples” learning Peking Opera from masters. In this film, “Brian”, a star guest from Informal Talks, is invited to learn Peking Opera from masters in China, and the form of a reality show is taken to record his whole learning process, showing the collision between Chinese and Western cultures, reflecting the distinctive charm of Peking Opera in a differentiated way, and carrying forward the essence of Chinese intangible culture (Peking Opera) to young people from all over the world. In the process of production, this film combines the advantages of short video and live broadcast, and four all-media live broadcasts including Different Intangible Cultural Heritage! Follow “Foreign” Imperial Concubine to Experience the Quintessence Peking Opera and Behind-the-Scenes Look Live Broadcast of Praising of Traditional Chinese Culture Project have successively been launched, with a total number of viewers on the whole network exceeding 15.894 million!


  Contact:Sun Jun






  Add:No 9,Gongzheng Road,Wuchang District,Wuhan,Hubei