
Taoism and Wudang Mountains


  Operated by:Hubei Changjiang Cloud New Media Group

  《问道武当》是文脉颂中华之《中国守艺Follow Me》系列短片之一,是由中央网信办和文化旅游部出品、湖北广电长江云制作,是一部诠释我国非遗传统文化武当武术的匠心力作。从古至今,“道法自然”的道家思想在中国传统文化中渊源流淌。该片运用影视拍摄手法,讲述美国人杰克为实现儿时的梦想,不远万里来到武当学习传统功夫,在武当山修习武术八年,逐渐了解中国道教文化的真谛。本片在国际传播和网络传播双重纬度下,既体现历史底蕴,又不断与时俱进,向世界展现了武当武术的神奇魅力和中国传统道家文化的丰富内涵。

  Wudang is one of the series of short films of Follow Me for Praising of Traditional Chinese Culture, which is presented by the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China, and produced by Changjiang Cloud of Hubei Radio and Television Information Network Co., Ltd., and it is an ingenious masterpiece to interpret Wudang martial arts, a traditional culture of intangible cultural heritage in China. Since ancient times, the Taoist thought of “following nature's course” has been rooted in Chinese traditional culture. Using film and television shooting techniques, the film tells that American Jack came to Wudang all the way to learn traditional Kung Fu in order to realize his childhood dream, during which he studied martial arts for eight years in Wudang Mountain, and gradually learned the true meaning of Chinese Taoist culture. Through international communication and network communication, this film not only reflects the historical background, but also keeps pace with the times, showing the magical charm of Wudang martial arts and the rich connotation of traditional Chinese Taoist culture to the world.


  Contact:Sun Jun






  Add:No 9,Gongzheng Road,Wuchang District,Wuhan,Hubei