


  Operated by:Education Channel of Hubei Radio and TV Station



  从新石器时代的“太阳人石刻”到郑和时代的“金花丝宝石腰带”,从青铜时代的“石家河玉器”到战国早期的“曾侯乙编钟”, 镜头穿越六千年,摄制组足迹遍布荆楚大地,与30多位全国知名文物业界专家一起,以专业精神和严谨的态度,从历史的角度生动地展示文物背后的中国精神、中国审美和中国价值。每集将一件“大国重器”浓缩在五分钟左右的视频里,二十件文物的丰富意向层层展现,温情的语言中让荆楚文明“遥远的故事”打动人心,不仅能帮助观众触摸荆楚文化的演变脉络,传播荆楚文明独有的浪漫、巧思的创造、唤醒沉睡千年的国宝之心,也能感受到中华文化深厚的底蕴扑面而来,让中国故事湖北篇章更加璀璨闪亮。

  The documentary showcases Hubei Provincial Museum's 20 exquisite collections which are the most representative of the Jingchu Culture from multiple dimensions. It records cultural relics of Hubei like never before and marks a new milestone of Hubei in presenting its cultural relics to the world.

  The documentary produces high-definition images that can only be observed at a distance of one centimeter from the treasures and highlights their most appealing details. Visual elements are well designed to give prominence to grandness and exquisiteness. It’s the result of utmost efforts of the production crew to reiterate the inheriting and preservation of cultural heritage in an imperceptible way.

  The documentary draws attention to the stone carved "Sun Man" in the Neolithic period, the spun gold belt with gemstones tracing back to the period when Zheng He lived, the Shijiahe jadeware in the Bronze Age, and the chime-bells from the Tomb of Marquis Yi of the Zeng State, involving a time span of 6,000 years. The product crew travelled across Hubei and worked closely with over 30 cultural relics experts in China to reveal China’s spirit, aesthetics and values inherent to the treasures in a professional and rigorous manner and from an historical perspective. Each episode depicts one treasure in five minutes. 20 pieces of cultural relics are progressively interpreted and impressive "remote stories" of the Jingchu Culture are told in a warmhearted and considerate tone. It helps gain a better understanding of the evolution of the Jingchu Culture, communicates the unique romance and ingenious creations of people in Hubei to a wider audience, revitalizes little-known treasures dating back over 1,000 years, and impresses the audience with Hubei ’s dazzling cultural heritage, an integral part of abundant culture of the Chinese nation.


  Contact:Luo Jun

  电话:+86 18971279616

  Tel:+86 18971279616




  Add:No.9 Gongzheng Road,Wuchang District,Wuhan, Hubei