
My Father Jiao Yulu


  Operated by:Hubei Yangtze River Film Group Co., Ltd





  该片导演范元,焦裕禄由郭晓东扮演,焦妻徐静雅由丁柳元扮演。 2021年影片上映后,获得专家和观众的一致好评,认为该片以真挚细腻的方式将焦裕禄的光辉一生娓娓道来,从其子女的视角描绘了他与家人相处时的温情点滴,再现了一位言传身教的好父亲、温柔体贴的好丈夫、至孝至诚的好儿子、对党忠诚的好干部形象。该片2021年底获得金鸡奖最佳编剧、最佳男主角、最佳女配角、最佳音乐四项提名。

  The film My father Jiao Yulu is a centennial key project of the CPC’s founding under the auspices of the Publicity Department of the Hubei provincial Party Committee and a project sponsored by the special fund for fine films of the state film administration in 2020. The film traces back three impressive clips of Jiao Yulu’s 42 year life from the perspective of his daughter:

  Nine years in Luoyang mining machinery factory. Facing the departure of Soviet experts, pressing deadlines and heavy tasks, Jiao Yulu, the director of the workshop at the time, bravely used Chen Jiguang who had technical expertise and successfully completed the task of developing a new 2.5-meter double barrel hoist.

  One year and four months in Lankao. Through a large number of detailed descriptions, such as seeing off at the railway station, saving critically ill children, visiting uncle Xiao, going deep into the front line of waterlogging and sanding alkali, buying out-of-plan grain, preventing his son from sneaking in theater without a ticket, and helping his daughter sell pickles, the film shows how Jiao Yulu leading the masses to eliminate the "three evils" and how his family tradition as a legacy was formed.

  On the eve of the Spring Festival in 1964, Jiao Yulu led his wife and children back to his hometown to offer filial piety and bid farewell to his mother affectionately. His mother reminded him that a man’s life is no about living for how long. No matter how long one lives, we should be a good man and the brightest star in the sky.

  The film is directed by Fan Yuan, the main actor Jiao Yulu is played by Guo Xiaodong, and Jiao's wife Xu Jingya is played by Ding Liuyuan. After the film was released in 2021, it won unanimous praise from experts and audiences. It is believed that the film tells Jiao Yulu’s glorious life in a sincere and delicate way, depicts his warmth with his family from the perspective of his children, and reproduces the image of a good father who teaches by example, a gentle and considerate husband, a filial and sincere son, and a good cadre who is loyal to the Party. The film won four nominations of the “Golden Rooster Award 2021”: best screenwriter, best actor, best supporting actress and best music.


  Contact:Li Meng

  电话:+86 18696141300

  Tel:+86 18696141300




  Add:No.218 Shengli Road, Jiangan District,Wuhan, Hubei