
Xiangyang-- A Cultural Gem in the Feast of Landscape


  Operated by:Xiangyang Radio and Television Station

  襄阳,作为国家历史文化名城,中国魅力城市,拥有2800多年的建城史,是楚文化、汉文化、三国文化的主要发源地,它以悠久的历史、灿烂的文化、丰富的文物古迹、壮丽的山川河流而闻名遐迩。该片通过对襄阳古城、古隆中、唐城、汉城等文化底蕴深厚景区展示,对尧治河、九路寨、春秋寨、五道峡等襄阳山水自然景观展示,呈现襄阳这一方古城的悠悠神韵;以特色鲜明的非遗文物及枣阳粗布、熊银匠、老河口木版年画等文创产品,吸引着八方来客;演绎优秀文艺剧目,《远山丰碑》、《黄河绝唱》、《滚灯谣》等引人瞩目,彰显城市文化精神魅力;举办的国际马拉松、F1摩托艇世界锦标赛、大学生方程式汽车大赛、端午龙舟赛等赛事,与世界交流、共享等等, 展示襄阳文化旅游产业,擦亮襄阳文旅品牌,彰显“襄阳好风日”品牌和文化自信。在文旅融合新时代,推动襄阳文旅融合发展,实现襄阳经济社会高质量发展。

  Xiangyang, a famous cultural city and a charming city in China, has a history of more than 2,800 years. It is the main cradle of the Chu culture, the Han culture, and the Three Kingdoms culture, and has been known for its long history, splendid culture, rich cultural relics, and spectacular natural landscapes. By displaying scenic areas with profound cultural heritage, such as Xiangyang Ancient Town, Gulongzhong, Tangcheng, and Hancheng, the video Xiangyang--A Cultural Gem in the Feast of Landscape allows its audience to feel the atmosphere of the ancient city of Xiangyang amidst its natural landscapes such as Yaozhi River, Jiuluzhai (a stockaded village), Chunqiuzhai (a stockaded village), and Wudaoxia(five valley sections). It also features intangible cultural heritage items and such creative cultural products and brands as Zaoyang coarse cloth, HSIUNG, and Laohekou New Year woodcut pictures, which attract visitors from all over the world; remarkable theatrical performances, such as Monument, Birth of the Yellow River Cantata, and Rolling Lamps, which unveil the charm of the city's culture and essence; and footage of events such as the International Marathon, the Formula 1 Powerboat World Championship, the Formula Student China, and the Dragon Boat Racing, which are held for enhancing communication with the world and other purposes. Generally, by showing Xiangyang's culture and tourism, the video aims to highlight not only Xiangyang's signature underpinned by its prominent cultural and tourism brands, but also its cultural self-confidence. In the new era of cultural and tourism integration, the integrated development of culture and tourism will be promoted in Xiangyang to facilitate its high-quality economic and social development.


  Contact:Yang Min

  电话:+86 13972239299

  Tel:+86 13972239299




  Add:No.200 Tanxi Road, Yicheng District, Xiangyang, Hubei