
Hubei Copyright Comprehensive Service Platform


  Operated by:Hubei Huazhong Culture Property Rights Exchange




  Hubei Copyright Comprehensive Service Platform (HCCSP) is used to expand actively copyright industries as a strategic planning of Hubei Huazhong Culture Property Rights Exchange (HBCPRT). It is a professional and systematic platform which include copyright agents registration, copyright trading, copyright monitoring, copyright protection, copyright assets management, copyright finance and other comprehensive services.

  This platform as an intellectualized and digitized system of copyright agents registration bases on technologies of block chain, artificial intelligence, big data. It is able to realize that works can be embed, registered and issued simultaneously, meanwhile integration of monitoring, rights protection and litigation. The legitimate interest from copyright holders are effectively protected by this way. Copyright trading e-mall and mobile phone application on this platform will further innovates in copyright creation, production application, IP operation, financial services, and other models of service and trading around copyright industry chain. These series of innovation can promote liquidity and trading of cultural copyright IP and derivative.

  Furthermore HCCSP organically integrates the mature business of HBCRPT, efficiently and accurately matches the platform resources such as the transaction of state-owned cultural property rights, the disposal of administrative assets, and cultural finance, so as to promote the application and management of enterprise copyright assets, and effectively transform enterprise copyright assets into productivity and competitiveness.


  Contact:Chen Tao

  电话:+86 18971597788

  Tel:+86 18971597788




  Add:1 Tanhualin Artistic Zone of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, 374 Zhongshan Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei