
Enshi Autonomous Prefecture Administration of Culture and Tourism


  恩施土家族苗族自治州,湖北省辖自治州,首府驻恩施市,位于湖北省西南部,州内有土家族、苗族、侗族、汉族、回族、蒙古族、彝族、纳西族、壮族等 29 个民族。“中国好山水 天赐恩施州”。恩施地形以山区为主,喀斯特地貌发育,自然风光以“雄、奇、秀、幽、险”著称,森林覆盖率近 70%,享有“鄂西林海”、“华中药库”、“烟草王国”、“世界硒都”之称。

  Enshi Autonomous Prefecture Administration of Culture and Tourism (TV Bureau, Sports Bureau) is a department of the People's Government of Enshi Tujia & Miao Autonomous Prefecture, tasked with work related to culture, tourism, sports, radio, and television.

  Located in the southwest of Hubei Province, the Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture is under the jurisdiction of Hubei Province, with its seat in Enshi City. It is home to 29 ethnic groups, including Tujia, Miao, Dong, Han, Hui, Mongol, Yi, Naxi, and Zhuang. "Enshi is blessed with beautiful natural landscape". The region is predominantly mountainous, characterized by the welldeveloped karst landform. Its natural scenery, renowned for being "majestic, unique, elegant, serene, and rugged", is underpinned by forest coverage of nearly 70%. Enshi is acclaimed as "Western Hubei's Sea of Woods", "Central China's Dispensary", "The Kingdom of Tobacco", and "The Selenium Capital of the World".


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网  址:http://wtxgj.enshi.gov.cn

电  话:+86 718 8222143

Add: Media Center, Jinziba Road, Enshi, Hubei, China Postal Code: 445099

Website: http://wtxgj.enshi.gov.cn

Tel:+86 718 8222143