天门市文化和旅游局于 2019 年成立,主要职责是指导、管理全市文化、旅游、体育、出版、广播、电视等行业,并负责推动相关产业的融合发展等工作。
天门市,湖北省直管市,是武汉都市圈、长江中游城市群成员、湖北省区域中心城市 ;是长江流域人类文明和楚文化的重要发祥地、茶圣陆羽故里、中国蒸菜之乡、内陆最大侨乡,成语“惟楚有才”的发源地。天门市荣为全国百强县、中国投资潜力百强县市、全国工业百强县市、全国制造业百强县市、全国营商环境百强县市。
Tianmen Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism was established in 2019. It is mainly responsible for guiding and managing culture, tourism, sports, publishing, broadcasting and television industry, and promoting the integration of relevant industries in the city.
Tianmen, a city directly administered by Hubei province, is not only a member of both the Wuhan Metropolitan Area and the city cluster along the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, but also a central city in the province. Moreover, it is a major birthplace of human civilization along the Yangtze River and Chu culture, the hometown of Lu Yu (the sage of tea), home to Chinese steamed dishes, the largest home town of overseas Chinese, and the origin of the idiom "people of talent in the land of Chu". The city has been honored as "One of National Top 100 Counties", "One of China's Top 100 Counties/Cities with Most Investment Potential", "One of National Top 100 Industrial Counties/ Cities", "One of National Top 100 Manufacturing Counties/Cities", and "One of National Top 100 Counties/Cities with Best Business Environment".
单位地址:中国湖北省天门市陆羽大道中 23 号
邮 编:431799
网 址:http://www.tianmen.gov.cn
电 话:+86 728 5222817
Add: No. 23, Middle Luyu Avenue, Tianmen, Hubei, China Postal Code: 431799
Tel:+86 728 5222817