
Enshi Broadcasting System

  恩施州广播电视台现有 2 个电视频道——恩施新闻综合频道和恩施文旅频道,其中恩施文旅频道是湖北省地市级广播电视台首次获批的文化旅游类专业频道,两频道开办 11 档电视栏目,日生产节目约 150 分钟 ;2 个广播频率——FM99 恩施综合广播和FM94 恩施交通音乐广播,开办 22 档自办栏目,日播出节目约 1200 分钟。新媒体以“云上恩施”客户端为总平台,全台“一朵云”涵盖“云上恩施”官网、微信公众号、抖音号、视频号、头条号、快手号等为一体的多元传播矩阵,总用户量过 500 万,年度流量过 100 亿。

  Enshi Broadcasting System operates two TV channels (i.e., the Comprehensive News Channel, and the Culture and Tourism Channel which is the first approved professional channel operated by a prefecture-level radio and television station in Hubei) that provide 11 TV programs, producing approximately 150 minutes of content daily. Enshi Broadcasting System also has two broadcast channels (i.e., FM99 Comprehensive Channel and FM94 Traffic & Music Channel) that offer 22 independently developed programs, generating around 1200 minutes of content daily. In addition, it has developed the "Cloud Enshi" app-centered communication system integrating the official website and official accounts of the “Cloud Enshi” on new media platforms like WeChat, TikTok, WeChat Video Channel, Toutiao, and Kuaishou, attracting over 5 million users and generating 10 billion views a year.


邮 编:445000

电 话:+86 718 8115111

负 责 人:粟 勇 台长

联 系 人:郭琼峰 新闻综合频道部 副主任

电 话:+86 13886770660


Add: Radio & TV Building, Media Center, West of Jinziba Road, Enshi, Hubei, China

Postal Code: 445000

Tel: +86 718 8115111

PIC: Su Yong, President

Contact: Guo Qiongfeng, Deputy Director of Comprehensive News Channel

Tel: +86 13886770660

Mail: 745718936@qq.com